Online Therapy
Q. What is online therapy?
A. Online therapy allows therapists to deliver mental health counseling via the internet. Online therapy occurs in real time, and allows therapists to conduct face-to-face sessions with clients. Clients can attend therapy from the comfort of their own home, do not need to travel to and from a clinic or office, and don't have to worry about hiring a babysitter.
Q. Do I need anything else besides a computer or a smart phone?
A. If using a computer, clients will need their own computer, camera, microphone, and internet connection. If you need to purchase a camera, they start around $40.00, and they are available at most retail or office supply stores (i.e. Target, Walmart, Office Max, etc.) and online.
If using your smart phone, make sure that you have full signal or are connected to wifi
Q. What if I do not have the right technology?
A. You can attend online sessions by coming to our office and using one of our computers and wifi.
Q. Why do I have a hard time seeing or hearing my therapist?
A. Make sure that you have recently restarted your computer or smart phone. Once logged onto the website, you will need to give it access to your camera and microphone. Sometimes a weak internet or cell signal may cause trouble with good video/audio. If you are using your computer and the internet, make sure that you have closed all other tabs on your browser and that nobody else is using your wifi.